Deshaun Johnson
2 min readJun 23, 2023


Hello Stephen! Man this was a good question in inquiring Satan's "sin status" if you will. I apologize about the length of time to reply, but I wanted handle your question with care (in prayer and seeking counsel for a sound response).

It’s good to know people out there on the inter-webs are reading and prompting questions from my writing!

My answer currently (nothing dogmatic but just from studies):

The Devil, Lucifer, is not sin incarnate or manifested. There’s a reason why he’s know as ”The Tempter” because he doesn’t engage in the act himself, but rather leverage others to do his bidding (hence the elites of the world today).

The reason God holds an audience with him (Job 1:6-12) is because despite his instigations, he is still of standard angelic holding unlike the rebellious angels in Genesis 6.

Lucifer was able to commit acts on Job because God permitted it.

Sin is a result of Adam’s fall, not the Serpents tempting. Because of that fall, we ALL carry the spiritual genetics 🧬 of sin from birth as it is now our nature (Psalm 51:5).

Another simple question to ask is "who is the author of sin?" This website seems to think Satan is as logical progression:

The Bible does tell us that Lucifer is the author of confusion (John 8:44) liar and murderer since the beginning.

God is able to look upon all of us, but the question is "what does He see" when he does? It's not that the Lord couldn't look upon The Devil that time in Job, but Satan has forfeited his origin because of the iniquity found in him which affects his heavenly access (Ezekiel 28:12-24).

Lastly, we have to look at Satan as an instigator who causes others to carry out his will rather than himself. In the garden, it was not the serpent that ate of the fruit, but leveraging the domain Adam and Eve were granted through delusion and suggestion.

This is a long answer probably deserving of an individual post, but your question required a deep dive to support an initial response. Let me know if you have more questions. Thanks!



Deshaun Johnson
Deshaun Johnson

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